Consulting Services
Our consultants can provide advice on heritage issues at all stages of a project, and the associated reports where needed. These consulting services include desk-based assessments and impact assessments.
Our heritage consultants can work with you through all stages of the planning and development process, providing advice on the risks and opportunities for a project related to heritage and archaeology. This can include identifying how to avoid impacts on heritage through design where practical. When that isn’t possible, we can design, cost, realistically program and implement proportionate mitigation fieldwork and reporting using our extensive experience. To minimise risks, clients can include the resources in construction timetables and budgets.
Planning authorities require applicants to describe the significance of any heritage assets affected by a development. We can provide this in a variety of forms, including desk-based assessment, heritage impact assessment, or environmental statement, as appropriate. Assessments can cover all sizes of projects, from individual built heritage assets to conservation area assessment and local area characterization. They use a broad range of sources to identify heritage assets present, and how development may affect their significance.
Learn about our own Environmental Sustainability Statement here.
Consulting Services Case Studies
River Thames flood relief schemes. Working with the Environment Agency we produce desk-based assessments, impact assessments, archaeological risk mapping, targeted evaluation and mitigation strategies. The work spans the counties of Berkshire, Surrey and Greater London. We have recently prepared the Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Chapter of a Preliminary Environmental Information Report as part of the statutory consultation process. The final results will be synthesised in a cultural heritage chapter of an Environmental Statement. We have worked with the Council and results will be published.
Our City Our River working with Derby City Council and Historic England we provided consultancy services for a flood alleviation scheme on the River Derwent. We provided desk-based assessment, impact assessment (including impacts within the UNESCO Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site) and developed and implemented mitigation strategies. We have worked with the council and will publish our results from Derby in a forthcoming monograph covering the Roman period.