Our site evaluations are key to assessing the extent and significance of archaeological remains on your site.
From monitoring geotechnical investigations to fieldwalking and trial trenching, our team can work alongside you to assess the extent and significance of any archaeological remains at your site. Evaluations can assist with identifying proportionate mitigation measures, sometimes allowing the scoping out of areas from any further archaeological work.
We provide a broad range of evaluation services through our fieldwork and geoarchaeological teams, and also have experience in working with engineers and geotechnical contractors. Our evaluations range from smaller scale archaeological bore holes or test pits to wider area surveys. We also employ specialist subcontractors to provide services such as geophysical surveys, and we undertake fieldwalking and large-scale trial trenching.
Evaluations Case Study
In July and August 2019 working with North Star developments we conducted an archaeological evaluation at Minster Self Drive, Micklegate, York. Our work informed a planning application under consideration by the City of York Council. It involved the excavation and recording of a single evaluation trench from the ground level through to natural geological deposits.
The evaluation trench revealed a complex sequence of archaeological deposits, dating from modern times back to the Roman era. We discovered bricks dating between the 18th and 20th century as well as possible medieval gardens to the rear. On the side facing Micklegate we found a medieval stone wall and structural feature. Below this level was a series of pits and dumps dating to the third century AD. This overlaid a second century building with possible evidence for a hypocaust system. The building was found to immediately overlie a Roman oven dated to the late first or early second century AD.